We are happy to announce that our draft program for the Hongkong2016 Conference is now available online: http://hongkong2016.ei-research.net/program/ HK2016 Organising Team
We are happy to announce that our draft program for the Hongkong2016 Conference is now available online: http://hongkong2016.ei-research.net/program/ HK2016 Organising Team
On October 19th – 21st 2016, UCSIA organizes the academic workshop The Critical Role of Religious Community Life in Europe: A World Between Tradition and Innovation at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.See: http://www.ucsia.org/main.aspx?c=*UCSIAENG2&n=121745&ct=121745. This academic workshop wants to investigate how various forms of religious community life may change due to – or in interaction with […]
This year marks the tenth full anniversary of the EI AAR Program Unit Group and we would love to see as many friends old and new attending our sessions – not least of all because of our tenth year review which means it will be even more wonderful to see you all at all the […]
The Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network invites you to its tenth annual international conference which will take place in Hong Kong, China, between July 20-24, 2016. The main program will take place at Ming Hua Theological College and other ecumenical partners in Hong Kong. There will also be cultural and religious events incorporated as part […]