We are delighted to announce that the first year of this new program unit in Vatican II Studies (led by Leuven’s Peter De Mey and St Thomas’s University’s Massimo Faggioli) was a tremendous success. The Ecclesiological Investigations Group will again be co-sponsoring a session with this new group at this year’s Baltimore AAR. The call for papers for the Vatican II Studies Group can be found here.
The theme for the Group this year is “A new start for Vatican II under Paul VI? The Council in 1963 and its first results.” Fifty years after the second session of the Council, our Group welcomes proposals on the following topics:
- Sacrosanctum Concilium and beyond — the challenges of liturgical renewal at Vatican II and today
- Inter Mirifica and beyond — the struggle of the Catholic Church with communication (media)
- Paul VI and the Council after 1963 — papal power and conciliarity
- Pre-Vatican II movements of theological renewal and the theology of Vatican II
- Vatican II and Trent — the commemorations of Trent in 1963 and 2013
- The Council and the wider political and cultural reality of the early 1960s
- For a cosponsored session with the Ecclesiological Investigations Group, the ecclesiological paradigm shift of Vatican II and its ecumenical implications, with particular attention to the relationship between the local and universal dimensions of the Church
Topics on other relevant issues related to Vatican II studies are welcome.