Around 250 people representing 55 different nations are gathering in Assisi, Italy for the EI Event: Where We Dwell in Common: Pathways for Dialogue in the 21st Century.

We will look at ongoing causes of division, we will then explore sources and features of commonality and, through engaging in a qualitative comparison of the significance of the two, set our hearts and minds toward re-energising the ecumenical cause through resolutely pushing our thinking outside the box to new levels. On each day, we also divide into three thematic areas of focus – exploring intra and inter-church issues; second, exploring inter-faith issues and, finally looking at issues pertaining to the relations between faith communities and the wider world in which they must live out their faith. Each day we will also received further nourishment from our Soul Food sessions, as well as from visiting the most sacred and special sites of Assisi. We will also share our Food for Ecumenical Thought sessions the evening before our final day to be inspired by rich stories and specifically focused wisdom which come from a wonderful array of scholars and practitioners from around the globe – as, indeed, do we the most amazing collection of concurrent papers, which will be spread across two particular days. The hardest part of Assisi 2012 is going to be choosing which sessions to attend!

Keep following the event at the home page here and keep liking it at our Facebook page here.