We are delighted to announce that many of the volumes in the EI Series with Continuum are now available in paperback and EPUB and PDF ebook format. All volumes will now also be published in paperback 18 months from the release date of the hardback edition. Details of these and all volumes in the series are here. Proposals for new volumes are always welcome – email to the series editor. Bloomsbury recently completed their takeover of Continuum and have recently updated their website with information on all publications.


Recently Published:

Church, Liberation and World Religions by Mario I. Aguiler

Democracy in the Christian Church: An Historical, Theological and Political Case by Luca Badini Confanolieri

Doctrine, Dynamic and Difference: To the Heart of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Differentiated Consensus on Justification by Pieter De Witte


Perpetually Reforming: A Theology of Church Reform and Renewal by John Bradbury (April 2013)