Ecclesiology: The Journal for Ministry, Mission and Unity

Edited by Paul Avis (Council for Christian Unity and University of Exeter) and published by Brill in association with the Ecclesiological Investigations International Research Network.
Ecclesiology is an ecumenical and international theological journal. It is designed to meet the growing demand for theological resources in the area of ecclesiology – the scholarly study of the nature and the purpose of the Christian Church. The journal also features articles exploring wider issues in ecclesiology including those to do with the identity of the Christian Church and the place of ecclesiology within Christian theology. The main focus of the journal is on the mission, ministry and unity of the Church.
Paul Avis, Editor-in-Chief of Ecclesiology invites submissions of articles for possible publication in this ecumenical and international journal.
Full details of the journal, including a link to the instructions for authors can be found here.
The EI Network is proud to be a partner of this scholarly publication.
Details of the contents of the latest issue can be found here.
In 2008, special issue of the journal was dedicated to the Ecclesiological Investigations Network and featured a number of papers from the very first EI International Conference in January 2007 at St Deiniol’s Library, Wales. Details of the contents of that issue can be found here.
A free sample issue of the journal is available here.
To receive updates about content when each new issue is published you can sign-up with the publisher here.